KST VIP Brochure Package

Save yourself time, stimulate referrals and help your patients understand the care you provide.

These clearly written, reader-friendly brochures explain KST and the important healing phenomenon known as retracing as well as typical patterns that can be identified and corrected.

KST VIP Brochure Package includes 600 brochures:

      100 of Koren Specific Technique
      100 of KST & Retracing
      100 of KST & The Occipital Drop
       50 of KST & The ArthroStim™
       50 of KST & The Hump Pattern
       50 of KST & The Panic Pattern
       50 of KST & The Posture of Subluxation
       50 of KST & The Sphenoid Pattern
       50 of KST & The Cranial Bones

Full retail value: $285.00

CLICK HERE to add your personal imprint to the back of the brochure(s).


Qty: Price: Units:
1+ $285.00 $199.95 each

Qty: each
DEKST-VIP2-PER - Custom Imprint
Qty: Price: Units:
1+ $325.50 $245.99 Bundles of 1

Qty: Bundles of 1