Flu Vaccination Lecture


Help your patients make an informed decision.

Give your patients the information they need to know about the flu shot BEFORE they participate in this dangerous annual medical ritual.

Do you know...

• what can cause rare epilepsy and mental retardation?

• what contains one of the most poisonous substances known?

• what can damage DNA and cause cancer?

The ingredients of the flu shot!

Get educated!

The Flu PowerPoint lecture by Tedd Koren, DC includes dozens of slides with a wealth of information so that everyone will be an informed consumer of healthcare.

Lecture kit includes:
PowerPoint Presentation
Digital Manual
25 Personalized MythBusting Reports

BONUS OFFER. Dr. Koren's Flu Vaccine Lecture with 125 MythBusting Reports (Save $14.95). See below.

LK-VFL02 - Dr. Koren's Flu Vaccine Lecture with 25 MythBusting Reports
Qty: Price: Units:
1+ $99.95 packs of 25

Qty: packs of 25
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LK-VFL02X - Dr. Koren's Flu Vaccine Lecture with 125 MythBusting Reports
Qty: Price: Units:
1+ $144.90 $139.95 packs of 125

Qty: packs of 125
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