Chiropractic Wellness and Wellness Report Folders - Combo Pack

  Wellness Report Folder


Communicate professionalism and portray the picture of good health to your patients with our Wellness Report Folder. Use the personal assessment panel and subluxation chart to evaluate each patient.

A glossary of important chiropractic terms helps your patients better understand the healthcare you provide.

Vibrant colors and energetic images bring a positive feel and reflect the goal of wellness. Gives patients the BIG picture immediately.
3 panels, 9" x 12" folded with a 3.5" pocket inside.

Chiropractic Wellness: Health from within - redesigned


New Redesign - updated with more informative content

Answer your patients’ most frequently asked questions with our Chiropractic Wellness booklet. 16 pages of fresh, lively images help bring to life the healthy message and important chiropractic information your patients need. - by Tedd Koren, D.C
(5.25” x 8.25”)

A must-have booklet.

  • Helps you connect with your patients
  • Educates and inspires patient commitment
  • Increases patient retention
  • Promotes referrals


Click to see inside

Qty: Price: Units:
1+ $140.00 packs of 50
1+ $259.00 packs of 100

Qty: packs of 50
Qty: packs of 100